A 'cleaner' Phalaenopsis stuartiana

Okay, tell me how many times you have seen something like this.

Typically for Phalaenopsis stuartiana, the inner halves of the lateral sepals and the labellum midlobe are pale yellow overlaid with dark maroon spots. One of my plants here of this species deviates from the norm by exhibiting no such yellow coloration, the yellow being confined only to the callus and the labellum side lobes, resulting in a 'cleaner' look. Compared to many other stuartianas, this clone begins its flowering period by producing a batch of few buds, with the rachis elongating progressively with more flowers. 

Don't read me wrong: I like even normal stuartianas, but I just can't deny that the more ascetic look of this one has a more, shall I say, regal air to it.

Can't wait for more of those flowers!


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