
Showing posts from May, 2021

Differentiating Cirrhopetalum brevibrachiatum from C. makoyanum

 First, let us get this out of the way: I do not consider these plants as bulbophyllums (bulbophyllines, yes), so I am going to refer to these plants all throughout this article as 'cirrhopetalums'. The genus Bulbophyllum has become an unwieldy repository of plants with very diverging features that I dare anyone who disagrees to define Bulbophyllum - in just one sentence. However, I have nothing against people who do. There are far better things to talk about. Such as teaching you how to distinguish these two species apart.  Cirrhopetalum brevibrachiatum Cirrhopetalum brevibrachiatum and C. makoyanum are two frequently confused species particularly in the Philippines where their ranges overlap. Both have slender flowers in yellow (most of the time though not all the time, for C. brevibrachiatum )   minutely spotted with red, and there are no distinguishable means to tell them apart by just looking at the vegetative growths. However, seeing the differences is easy. But you are g